What is the Monday Morning Coffee with Spaycial? Every Monday morning, our editorial team brings you 5 need-to-know news from its weekly readings, on retail and payment data, to read in less than 5 minutes. Enjoy your last edition of the year, we wish you a Merry Christmas and we'll see you in January 2022!
What's on the menu this week?
1. The 10 shopping center trends for 2030
As we're about to enter 2022, let's even go further in the future and aim for... 2030! EcommerceMag and Ericsson Ten Hot Consumer Trends introduces 12 trends (in a cool slideshow format) to watch for, as shoppers will expect hybrid shopping centre experiences to be commonplace. They could enjoy holistic experiences, connections and social interactions in a networked physical environment close to home.
2. Move over Amazon!
What's not to love about that article from Wired? Retailers are catching up on the big pure-players using benefits we love at Spaycial, as they offer loyalty programs with discounts and rewards! "The big takeaway from this whole session is that retail apps—Amazon not withstanding, of course—make shopping from any retailer easier than it’s ever been, and seamless". Making shopping easy through a seamless experience, two key ideas in our house! This pieces also gives a vivid use case : "this holiday season, Target is also leaning into giving customers more online-friendly options, including new features to make the shopping experience even more convenient, whether you want to visit a brick-and-mortar store or not".
3. One special number : 148 Million Americans Plan to Shop Super Saturday
NRF ran a survey, once again proving shoppers are up to the event. "Shoppers have responded to this holiday season’s supply chain challenges with flexibility,” Prosper Executive Vice President of Strategy Phil Rist said. “When shoppers do experience difficulty finding gifts, they take a proactive approach toward alternate solutions like checking another retailer, location or channel or identifying a substitute item. Additionally, some will choose to gift cash or a gift card or even wait to see if the item comes back in stock.”
4. Trust, at the heart of the relationships between brands and shoppers
Research from PwC in that podcast proves trust is becoming more important to the retail experience, and the pandemic era has only magnified the opportunity retailers have to build trust with shoppers. How retailers can strengthen shopper relationships? Answer in that podcast below.
5. Got 5 more minutes? Here's all you need to know about us before you leave!
During the Innovation Talks at Mapic 2021, our CEO introduced our company and the unparalleled power of payment data, in the best way you could imagine! Feel free to share this video on Linkedin!